Fence along entire length of Polish-Belarusian border finished

2021-09-17 13:11 update: 2021-09-18, 14:52
 Fot. PAP/Marcin Onufryjuk
Fot. PAP/Marcin Onufryjuk
Poland has completed the construction of a fence along the entire length of its border with Belarus, a project designed to protect both this country and the European Union against illegal migration.

"A group of Middle Eastern migrants is still trapped near the village of Usnarz Gorny on the Belarusian side of the Polish-Belarusian border," PAP was told on Friday by a Border Guard spokesperson. 

Anna Michalska also said that a barbed-wire fence had been completed along the entire length of its border with Belarus.

Several days ago, Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced that Poland will also build a net to protect animals from being injured on both sides of the fence.

"The group regularly receives food, firewood and cigarettes," Michalska said, adding that it was comprised of 24-30 people, including four or five women. "There are surely no children there," she stated.

The group does not want to remain in Belarus but Poland has refused them entry.

Poland, Lithuania and Latvia have recently observed increasing numbers of migrants trying to illegally enter their territories from Belarus. The three countries have accused the Alexander Lukashenko regime of deliberately sending migrants to their borders in an effort to destabilise the EU.
On September 2, Poland declared a 30-day state of emergency in the regions bordering Belarus to stem a migration crisis. The emergency laws will cover 183 localities in the border zone including in the vicinity of the village of Usnarz Gorny. (PAP)