PM recalls president of Poland's statistical office

2024-11-20 15:01 update: 2024-11-20, 15:03
Dominik Rozkrut. Photo PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Dominik Rozkrut. Photo PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Prime Minister Donald Tusk has dismissed the president of GUS, Poland's main statistical office, a government official has told PAP.

Agnieszka Rucinska, a deputy minister at the Prime Minister's Office, told PAP on Wednesday that Tusk had dismissed GUS President Dominik Rozkrut.

She informed PAP that the selection process for the new president would begin without delay.

Rozkrut was appointed as the president of GUS in 2016. As such, he was responsible for overseeing the operations of various departments, including programming, coordination and registers, IT systems, geostatistics and censuses, as well as innovation. (PAP)