Poland buys anti-tank grenade launchers from Sweden

2024-03-04 19:53 update: 2024-03-05, 13:43
Photo PAP/Marcin Gadomski
Photo PAP/Marcin Gadomski
Poland has signed a EUR 1.5 billion contract with the Swedish company Saab for the purchase of anti-tank grenade launchers and ammunition.

Poland's Armament Agency signed the contract in the presence of Polish and Swedish defence ministers, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz and Pal Jonson, respectively, in the city of Gdynia, northern Poland, on Monday.

The contract, with an approximate value of PLN 6.5 billion (EUR 1.5 billion), also includes infrastructure, training and simulators, and a service package.

"This is one of the most important contracts for equipment that has proven effective in combat in Ukraine," Kosiniak-Kamysz said at a joint press conference with Jonson. He added that "this weapon has very good reviews, it passes the test very well."

Sweden, which has recently been admitted to Nato, is "a responsible and good partner," Kosiniak-Kamysz said.

The two ministers also held talks on cooperation in the field of strengthening defence and support for Ukraine, Kosiniak-Kamysz reported.

"We will provide military and humanitarian support to Ukraine with all our strength," he said.

Commenting on other military purchases from Sweden, the Polish defence minister said that in the coming days a Saab 340 AEW early warning aircraft purchased from Sweden will arrive in Poland. (PAP)