Poland to keep electricity price cap for households in 2025

2024-11-19 14:52 update: 2024-11-19, 14:56
Fot. PAP/Andrzej Jackowski
Fot. PAP/Andrzej Jackowski
The Polish government has decided to keep the price of electricity for households at PLN 500 per MWh (EUR 115/MWh), while withdrawing subsidies for non-individual consumers.

According to the draft law prepared by the government, the 2025 price freeze for households will cost the state budget PLN 5 billion (EUR 1.15 bln).

The Ministry of Climate said that households would have to pay PLN 623 per MWh (EUR 144/MWh) without the government aid.

The ministry also said the subsidies will no longer be offered to other customers due to their "expected relatively better position on the energy market as compared to 2023-2024."

It added that further interventions in the prices for micro-, small and medium-sized firms found no justification in the current market environment.

Before a government meeting later on Tuesday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk specified that the freezing will cover the first nine months of next year.

"Today we'll be able to make the decision to freeze the prices of energy for households in Poland for next year," he said. "Electricity in Polish homes will not go up in 2025, we're freezing energy prices for nine months."

Tusk said that by September next year market prices should go down, "so it's possible that further freezing will not be necessary."

"But if it is necessary, we'll discuss this," he vowed. (PAP)
