Poland's unemployment rate in April among lowest in EU - Eurostat

2024-05-30 14:56 update: 2024-05-31, 14:00
Fot. PAP/Wojciech Pacewicz
Fot. PAP/Wojciech Pacewicz
Poland's seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate went up to 3.0 percent year on year in April, but was the second lowest in the EU, Eurostat, the EU's statistical office, reported on Thursday.

The Czech Republic enjoyed the lowest unemployment rate in the bloc, at 2.7 percent.

The number of Poland's unemployed increased to 528,000 in April from 523,000 in March, Eurostat also said.

According to Poland's Central Statistical Office (GUS), the unemployment rate in the country fell by 0.2 percentage points month on month in April 2023 to 5.1 percent.

The discrepancy between GUS and Eurostat figures results from the use of different methodologies. Poland's GUS reports on all unemployed people registered at labour offices, including those not currently looking for work, while Eurostat only takes into account active job seekers. (PAP)
