Polish and Irish PMs hold meeting in Rzeszow

2024-09-05 15:06 update: 2024-09-07, 16:31
Fot. PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Fot. PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk praised bilateral talks with his Irish counterpart after the two met in Rzeszow, southeastern Poland, on Thursday.

Tusk said he talked with Simon Harris about the "issues that make up the picture of the situation in our (Central Eastern European region - PAP)." 

"I'm satisfied with the talks," Tusk said in a comment for media. He added that the two discussed European policy and emphasised that both sides share similar views on the matter.

Harris mentioned the need to discuss migration and competitiveness given the upcoming EU presidency. He said the member nations have to work on "solutions related to the management of the migration crisis." 

The ongoing war in Ukraine also topped the agenda in Rzeszow. Tusk praised Dublin's efforts in supporting the "victims of the aggression," and added that Poland "appreciates Ireland's engagement, not only the military assistance to Ukraine but also the humanitarian aid during such a challenging time for the country."

Harris pledged that Irish support for war-torn Ukraine will remain unwavering, given that Kyiv and Dublin inked a bilateral security agreement on Wednesday. (PAP)
