Prosecutors open investigation into cyberattack on PAP

2024-06-29 16:01 update: 2024-07-01, 13:36
Photo PAP/Albert Zawada
Photo PAP/Albert Zawada
The Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office has launched investigation into the cyberattack on the Polish Press Agency (PAP), the office's spokesperson reported on Saturday.

At the end of May, PAP was targeted by hackers, who sent out a fake report through the PAP online service claiming that Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk had announced a partial mobilisation of 200,000 men who were going to be sent to Ukraine.

The report was immediately cancelled by PAP but was re-released minutes later. The second release was also cancelled.

The Prosecutor's Office launched a probe into "disinformation by disseminating false information aimed at causing serious disturbances in the system or economy of the Republic of Poland by an undetermined person or persons involved in or acting on behalf of foreign intelligence," Piotr Skiba announced.

The offence is punishable by no less than eight years in prison. The inquiry has been assigned to the Internal Security Agency. (PAP)