No party divisions on Poland's security says president

2022-07-04 19:08 update: 2022-07-10, 10:27
Andrzej Duda. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
Andrzej Duda. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
Politicians from all parties see eye to eye about Poland's security, Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, said after a National Security Council (RBN) meeting on Monday.

The president convened the RBN meeting to discuss last week's Nato summit and the recent developments in Ukraine. Apart from leaders of political parties, the meeting was also attended by the prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, and the defence minister, Mariusz Blaszczak.

"It was no political debate, it was a very fact-based conversation about matters that are important for Poland, tangible issues related to security and Poland's military condition in the context of Nato decisions," Duda said.

Nato leaders agreed in Madrid last week to further strengthen the bloc's eastern flank in the face of Russia's aggressive posture and decided to locate the headquarters of the US Army's 5th Corps in Poland.

Nato also invited Finland and Sweden to join the Alliance. The leaders described Russia as the biggest and the most direct threat to the allies and to Euro-Atlantic peace and stability.

"I can assure all my compatriots that politicians from all sides of our political scene see Poland's security issues totally beyond any divisions," Duda said of the Monday meeting.

Tomasz Siemoniak, a deputy leader of the main opposition party, the Civic Platform (PO), said he was pleased with the outcomes of the Nato summit.

"We talked about facts and we expressed satisfaction that Finland and Sweden will join Nato," Siemoniak said, adding that "in fact all of us are in favour of a swift ratification process."

Siemoniak praised the decision to locate the US army headquarters in Poland but said more actions were needed.

"We also agreed that we need to continue our efforts to expand the US military presence as much as possible," Siemoniak said.

The president convenes the National Security Council in the event of major domestic and global security developments. The previous meeting was held in late March and was devoted to the situation in Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country. (PAP)