Lower houses passes coal subsidies

2022-07-22 12:57 update: 2022-07-26, 18:28
Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
The Sejm, the lower house of parliament, on Friday passed an act introducing a PLN 3,000 (EUR 631) coal allowance for households with coal-fired heating.

The act went through in a 261 to 36 vote with 149 abstentions.

Earlier the house rejected amendments proposed by the opposition, which extended the subsidies to households with pellet, oil, gas, LPG and electric heating and limited to households with a per-capita income not exceeding the 2021 average wage.

The Polish finance ministry said the new law complied with European Commission requirements. 

Now the bill will have to be approved by the Senate. (PAP)