Poland's MoD approves contract for 116 Abrams tanks

2023-01-04 15:55 update: 2023-01-09, 21:17
Fot. PAP/Marcin Obara
Fot. PAP/Marcin Obara
Mariusz Blaszczak, the defence minister, on Wednesday signed a contract for the delivery of 116 US-made M1A1 Abrams tanks.

At a ceremony held at the 1st Warsaw Armoured Brigade Blaszczak said that "the tanks will be shipped here, to Wesola (district of Warsaw - PAP), they will be shipped to the east of the country so that they can effectively deter the aggressor."

Blaszczak recalled that Poland had already signed an agreement with the US for the delivery of 250 Abrams tanks in the M1A2 SEPv3 version, which are to be delivered in late 2024.

"The tanks that I have approved the agreement for today are to become part of the Polish Armed Forces this year, and it is our great achievement," the defence minister said.

Blaszczak went on to say that Poland was in the process of negotiating a deal for the deliveries of "vast amounts of ammunition" for the tanks.

"I can assure you that we're on the right path to quickly finalise the second agreement," he said.

The US charge d'affaires Daniel Lewton said during the ceremony that the tanks will be delivered soon and that the tank agreement was part of US President Joe Biden's promise to fast-track Poland's arms purchases.

Poland stepped up military purchases both domestically and abroad after Russia invaded Ukraine in February. (PAP)