Polish bishops adopt position on sexual abuse

2018-11-19 21:20 update: 2018-11-20, 19:14
Photo PAP/Waldemar Deska
Photo PAP/Waldemar Deska
A position on the sexual exploitation of minors by some clergy was adopted on Monday by participants in the 381st Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference (KEP) at the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa (southern Poland).

"We have a definite will to cleanse of sin and crime, of these abuses," stated conference leader Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, presenting part of the written position at a press conference after the sitting. He stressed that it is the position of the entire episcopate rather than of individual representatives.

"This will to cleanse is natural," he continued. "The church realises that there exists original sin, which affects every level of society, however the church still remains a sort of authority among other social institutions and as such carries a special responsibility."

The provisional position - presented at the conference by Archbishop Gądecki and Primate of Poland Archbishop Wojciech Polak - is made up of six points: the first establishes protection of children and young people as an inalienable part of the church's entrusted mission, the second declares a will to cleanse of the sin and crime of abuse, the third provides for the building of a safe environment for children and young people by preparing and promoting a preventative programme.

The remaining points contain, among other provisions, a call to bishops, directed to the whole church community, for action, prayer and penance, a direct appeal to perpetrators of crimes with a call to accept responsibility and also - at the end - an appeal to fight against all kinds of harm inflicted on children and young people, but also for prayer to convert the culprits.

Archbishop Gądecki pointed out that although it was announced at the September plenary assembly in Płock (central Poland) that a position would be formulated by the end of November, work had gone on before and lasted much longer. He said the earlier-prepared draft was presented for criticism in Płock, which had been taken into account in the version adopted on Monday.

"This position has been awaited a long time," Archbishop Gądecki stated. "It is the KEP's first statement on the matter." (PAP)

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