Primary school exams start amid teachers' strike

2019-04-15 09:25 update: 2019-04-17, 10:06
Photo PAP/Wojciech Pacewicz
Photo PAP/Wojciech Pacewicz
More than 377,000 students of the last grade of primary schools from 12,700 schools in Poland are expected to sit for their final exams at 9 am on Monday, which is the eighth day of the nationwide teachers' strike

On Sunday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki appealed for the teachers' strike not to impede primary school exams scheduled for April 15 - 17. 

"We should have a common principle that, where the good of the youth is concerned, the good of the students, the disputes between - let's call it conventionally - adults, are put aside. Disputes cannot disrupt this normal course of examinations," the prime minister stressed.

A nationwide teachers' strike broke out after the government failed to concede to teacher demands of an immediate PLN 1,000 (EUR 233) gross raise and changes in their working conditions. The protesters have since modified their demands to a 30 percent wage raise in two tranches, both payable this year. The government says the budget cannot afford such a big raise at the moment, and suggests incremental increases be spread out over a longer period of time.

Last Wednesday, Polish Teachers' Union (ZNP) head Sławomir Broniarz said that the unions will take part in the government-proposed round table talks.

Broniarz's words referred to PM Mateusz Morawiecki's Tuesday proposal of round table talks between unions and the government on education-related topics. Morawiecki said he would like the talks to take place after Easter, and for the present nationwide teachers' strike to be called off.(PAP)