Ruling party wants to stop evil growing in EU - leader

2019-04-30 16:31 update: 2019-05-03, 11:55
PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński during a press conference in Krakow. Photo PAP / Jacek Bednarczyk
PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński during a press conference in Krakow. Photo PAP / Jacek Bednarczyk
Poland's ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) will put up a dam against the evil growing in the European Union and the threat to Christianity-rooted civilisation, the party leader Jarosław Kaczyński declared on Tuesday.

Speaking at a meeting with pensioners in the southern city of Krakow, Kaczyński argued that if the opposition wins elections they will "take away what PiS has given." 

At the same time he declared, that the recently passed law on the one-off benefit for pensioners, the so-called thirteenth pension sees the start of the programme to raise retirement benefits in Poland along with the state's growing capabilities. 

"Let's hope that these capabilities will grow and they grow fast or at least quite fast," the PiS leader added. 

Kaczyński pointed out that social programmes have been created by his party to increase justice in Poland and to enable the development of the entire country. He assured that these programmes should allow the rate of Poland's economic growth to be the same as in Western Europe.

He also assessed that public finances can be repaired by "preventing a large outflow of money from the financial system" like the VAT fraud. The PiS chairman argued that to prevent "such robbery" one must have the will, skills and honesty.

The PiS chairman stressed that support for PiS candidates for the European Parliament, including Deputy Prime Minister Beata Szydło and the PiS MP, co-chairman of the European Conservatives and Reformists faction in the European Parliament Ryszard Legutko, who both attended the Tuesday meeting, is important because they will act as "a dam against evil growing in the EU and threatening our civilisation which has grown from Christianity."

"Defending Poland and Polish interests, but also defending this civilisation is the mission of our candidates, our Polish mission in the European Union," Kaczynski emphasised. (PAP)
