Each EP election vote counts - president

2019-05-23 21:16 update: 2019-05-27, 08:18
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
Every vote counts, President Andrzej Duda said on Thursday in a televised address to Poles in which he encouraged participation in the May 26 EP elections. Duda stressed that a high election turnout will confirm the robustness of democracy in Poland.

"I encourage all with voting rights to make use of them and vote in these elections. Every vote counts, every vote is important. Let us go to the elections, because a high turnout will show that democracy, which we have been industriously building in Poland over the past 30 years, is of high quality," Duda appealed.

Duda criticised the widespread belief that "the European Parliament is far away and the issues discussed in Brussels or Strasbourg do not concern us." In this context he remarked that the shape of Europe and the EU depends on everyone.

"I ask for all inhabitants of Polish cities, towns and villages to partake in this. Not even one vote should fail, as this will decide about what kind of Europe our country will develop in," Duda said.

Duda voiced hope that Poland's new MEPs will "show determination" in protecting Polish interests in Europe and contribute to raising the living standards of Poles. Duda observed that "as an EU member and a country that participates actively in building Europe's future," Poland was "fully entitled" to pursue these aims.

In this context he reminded that the EU entailed "not just rights but also duties," and stressed that Poland's duty in this respect was to promote values like solidarity, cooperation and equality among the EU members.

"Let us go to the elections. Let this be our democratic feast," Duda appealed. (PAP)
