President appoints new ministers

2019-06-04 11:29 update: 2019-06-04, 19:18
Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański
Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański
Polish President Andrzej Duda appointed new ministers to PM Mateusz Morawiecki's government on Tuesday morning. The reshuffle has come in the wake of the recent European Parliament elections.

Jacek Sasin has been appointed Deputy PM and the head of the Government Standing Committee.

Marian Banas has been appointed Finance Minister. He has replaced Teresa Czerwinska.

Bozena Borys-Szopa has been appointed Family, Labour and Social Policy Minister. She replaced Elzbieta Rafalska.

Dariusz Piontkowski has been appointed Education Minister. He replaced Anna Zalewska.

Elzbieta Witek has been appointed Interior Minister. She replaced Joachim Brudzinski.

Michal Dworczyk and Michal Wos have been appointed ministers - members of the Council of Ministers. All the outgoing officials apart from Czerwinska won MEP seats during the recent EP elections. (PAP)
