Ruling party leader calls for voter support in national elections

2019-06-06 13:32 update: 2019-06-08, 10:59
Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski wrote in a letter to Poles that the upcoming parliamentary elections will determine Poland's future, and asked Poles to cast more ballots for the ruling coalition.

In a letter published on Twitter on Thursday, Kaczynski thanked voters for their support for his party's candidates in the European Parliament elections. 

"We are grateful for your trust in us. It is thanks to you, thanks to all people who appreciated our credibility, that we achieved this extremely valuable success," Kaczynski wrote. 

He noted that Poland now faces the autumn's parliamentary elections, which will determine the country's future. "Therefore, today I would like to ask you to attend the autumn elections in greater numbers and cast more votes for PiS," Kaczynski said. 

As the ruling party leader pointed out, in order to continue the "good change" and enhance it, PiS must obtain an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections. "This is a key issue for the wellbeing of our homeland," he stressed.

He also declared that PiS politicians will "work even harder for Poland to raise the quality and standard of living of all Poles."

PiS won 45.38 percent of the European vote and was followed by its main competitor the European Coalition with 38.47 percent and the left-liberal Spring party with 6.06 percent. Other parties did not secure any mandates.(PAP)