Poland, EC seal electricity system sync act

2019-06-20 18:10 update: 2019-06-24, 12:24
Photo PAP/Paweł Supernak
Photo PAP/Paweł Supernak
Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and the EC on Thursday sealed a political declaration in favour of the synchronisation of the Baltic countries' electric power systems with the EU via Poland.

The synchronisation project aims to help the Baltic states diminish their dependence on Russian electricity supplies. Currently Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are linked to an electricity supply chain from Russia and Belarus under the BRELL system. Poland joined the European energy system in 1995. 

The declaration follows a June 2018 agreement in the matter and foresees the completion of the synchronisation process by 2025. It was signed by the prime ministers of Poland, Latvia and Estonia, the president of Lithuania, and the EC president. (PAP)