Polish president sends condolence cable to Turkey

2016-03-14 14:06 update: 2018-09-27, 04:53
Zniszczone pojazdy na miejscu zamachu Fot. PAP/EPA
Zniszczone pojazdy na miejscu zamachu Fot. PAP/EPA
Polish President Andrzej Duda on Monday sent a condolence cable to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after Sunday's terrorist attack in the centre of Ankara which killed at least 37 people.

"It is with deep sorrow that I have received the news about the terrorist attack that took place in Ankara yesterday. Every innocent victim of terrorist barbarism strengthens the conviction that we need international solidarity in fighting this biggest threat of the 21st century," President Duda said in the cable.

A car bomb was set off in a crowded transport hub in the Turkish capital, Ankara, on Sunday, killing at least 37 people and wounding 125. It was the second such attack in the administrative part of the capital city in less than a month. (PAP)
