Number of foreigners visiting Poland up - stats office

2016-04-14 19:49 update: 2018-09-27, 04:24
Turyści na Rynku Starego Miasta w Warszawie Archiwum. Fot.  PAP/Marcin Obara
Turyści na Rynku Starego Miasta w Warszawie Archiwum. Fot. PAP/Marcin Obara
The number of foreigners visiting Poland has been going up very dynamically, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) has reported.

According to GUS, nearly 317,000 foreigners visited Poland in January 2016, up from 276,000 a year earlier.

The biggest number of foreign tourists came from Germany (over 67,000). They were followed by Russians (28,000) and Ukrainians (26,000).

The number of Britons stood at over 24,000, GUS added. (PAP)

