Poland's former environment minister dies aged 75

2019-10-09 14:26 update: 2019-10-13, 15:53
Jan Szyszko. Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Jan Szyszko. Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Poland's former minister for the environment, Professor Jan Szyszko, died this morning at the age of 75, Polish President Andrzej Duda tweeted on Wednesday.

Born in 1944, Szyszko was an academic teacher and Professor of Forest Sciences. He wrote over one hundred scientific publications on the use of natural and ecological resources. In his political carrier he sat in the parliament for four terms. 

In 2001, he joined the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party and served as environment minister from 2015 to 2018. 
President Duda wrote on Twitter that "Today before noon Professor Jan Szyszko passed away, scientist and politician but primarily a good and warm-hearted person, an enthusiast of nature." (PAP)