United Right - 43.6 pct, Civic Coalition 27.4 pct - exit poll

2019-10-13 21:09 update: 2019-10-13, 22:42
Photo PAP/Rafał Guz
Photo PAP/Rafał Guz
Poland's ruling coalition United Right, led by the conservative but socially-oriented Law and Justice party (PiS), received 43.6 percent of the vote in Sunday's parliamentary elections, an Ipsos exit poll for public and private TV stations showed.

The ruling party's main contender, the centrist Civic Coalition (KO), led by the Civic Platform (PO), received 27.4 percent of the vote.

The Left, a coalition of three left-wing parties, running under the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) party banner, was supported by 11.9 percent.

The agrarian Polish People's Party (PSL), which ran together with the right-wing Kukiz'15 movement, was supported by 9.6 percent of the voters.

The far-right Confederation was backed by 6.4 percent of voters in the Ipsos exit poll. (PAP)

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