Government adopts 2020 balanced budget bill - PM

2019-12-23 13:25 update: 2020-01-02, 10:53
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Marcin Obara
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Marcin Obara
The government approved the draft budget law for the coming year with zero deficit, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Monday after the cabinet's meeting.

The draft budget was approved by the government and sent to the Sejm (lower house) in September. Since parliament cannot deal with drafts which were filed with the lower chamber during its previous term of office but were not passed, the government has to send another draft to the Sejm.

The Monday-approved bill, just like the September one, envisages that state income and expenses will be balanced at PLN 435.3 billion (EUR 102.2 billion). (PAP)

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