Next year's draft budget reaches lower house

2019-12-27 14:34 update: 2019-12-29, 16:31
Budynek Sejmu. Fot. PAP/Mateusz Marek
Budynek Sejmu. Fot. PAP/Mateusz Marek
A draft budget law for the coming year with a zero deficit has been sent to the Sejm (lower house). The draft was approved by the government on Monday, December 23.

State budget revenues and expenditures are to be balanced at PLN 435.3 billion (EUR 102.2 billion). The public deficit is to reach, according to the EU methodology, 1.2 percent of GDP. 

The bill is based on the assumptions that in 2020 Poland's economy will grow, in real terms, by 3.7 percent and average annual inflation is to reach 2.5 percent.

Under the draft, the National Bank of Poland (NBP) is planned to pay ca. PLN 7.1 billion (EUR 1.7 billion) to the budget. (PAP)