EU's pro-climate transition funds to benefit Poland most - source

2020-01-15 15:00 update: 2020-01-17, 21:47
Photo: PAP/Andrzej Grygiel
Photo: PAP/Andrzej Grygiel
The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, expects that Poland will receive 26.7 percent of the Just Transition Mechanism funds that are part of the European Green Deal, a long-term climate neutrality objective, PAP's diplomatic sources said unofficially.

The entire sum for Poland is to be around EUR 27 bln.

On Tuesday, the EC adopted a draft on the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) and a mechanism for supporting regions that could be most affected economically by EU climate policy.

The EC did not say on Tuesday how funds will be distributed among member states, but according to documents accessed by PAP, of EUR 7.5 bln in 'fresh money' for the JTM, EUR 2 bln will be offered to Poland.

Of the JTM's more than EUR 100 bln, Poland is to get EUR 27 bln, more than any other EU member state, according to the source.

Regions with high CO2 emissions are going to benefit most from the fund. As many 27 percent of all industrial workers in CO2-intensive regions of Europe are employed in Poland.

However, Germany is the leader of industrial emissions, with 28 percent of the EU total, whereas Poland is responsible for 17 percent.

The other two biggest beneficiaries of the fund, Germany and Romania, will get 11.7 and 10 percent, respectively.

To get the money, the member states will have to prepare transition plans.

Polish Climate Minister Michal Kurtyka estimated that, in domestic currency, Poland will get around PLN 100 bln (EUR 23.66 bln). (PAP)