Poland acts quickly to contain coronavirus - PM's Office stats

2020-03-26 10:24 update: 2020-03-26, 20:40
PM Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
PM Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
Since the first coronavirus case was confirmed in Poland, the government has been making fast decisions to limit the spread of the epidemic, statistics published the PM's Office website show.

It was just eight days after the first infection case was detected that all schools across the country were closed down. For comparison, it took 35 days in Italy, 52 in France, 44 in Spain and 50 in Germany to take the same action. 

The ban on all mass events followed six days after the first case in Poland while it was 39 days in Italy, 44 both in France and Spain, and 48 in Germany.

Poles were directed by the government not to leave their homes 21 days after the first coronavirus case was confirmed. The same decision was made by the Italian government after 39 days, and after 53, 44 and 55 days by the French, Spanish and German authorities respectively.

The country’s borders were closed already after 11 days since patient zero was identified by Poland. A similar move took 53 days in France, 46 days in Spain and 48 days in Germany. (PAP)

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