Majority of Poles against taking in refugees – poll

2016-09-13 17:49 update: 2018-09-27, 02:13
Migranci z dziećmi w Słowenii Archiwum. Fot. PAP/EPA
Migranci z dziećmi w Słowenii Archiwum. Fot. PAP/EPA
Most Poles are against their country taking in refugees from countries affected by armed conflicts, according to a new survey by CBOS pollster.

Fifty-eight percent of those polled by CBOS in August said Poland should not accept refugees, five percentage points more than in July.

Thirty-eight percent were in favour of taking in refugees from countries affected by armed conflicts.

According to the poll, 69 percent of respondents are against receiving refugees from the Middle East and Africa staying in EU countries; 25 percent said such persons should be accepted by Poland.

The survey was carried out on August 17-25 on a representative random sample of 1,033 adult respondents. (PAP)
