EC proposes EUR 63.8 bln to help rebuild Polish economy - source

2020-05-27 12:52 update: 2020-05-30, 15:08
The European Commission (EC) is to propose EUR 63.8 billion in grants and loans from a new instrument to help Poland rebuild its economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, an EU source has told PAP.

Poland is to receive the highest amount of EU non-returnable grants after Italy, Spain and France. Calculations seen by PAP show that Poland can count on EUR 37.69 billion in grants, while Italy is to receive EUR 81.7 billion, Spain EUR 77.3 billion and France EUR 38.7 billion. 

In terms of loans, Poland is set to receive EUR 25.1 billion, with EUR 90 billion going to Italy and EUR 63 billion to Spain. In this category, Poland is in third place because under EC provisions, not all member states will make use of the instrument. (PAP)