Polish PM asks for and receives vote of confidence in government

2020-06-04 16:52 update: 2020-06-05, 14:35
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki addressing the Sejm (lower house) on Thursday said that if opposition MPs had enough votes, then they should recall the government or stop festering and inventing alternative subjects.

As the lower house is dominated by the ruling United Right coalition MPs, the Morawiecki government easily secured a vote of confidence from the chamber.

The PM motioning the Sejm for a vote of confidence in his government argued that in the situation of an epidemic and an economic crisis, Poles need unity, and the government has fulfilled its tasks well, both in terms of controlling coronavirus and helping companies. He recalled that last November, the ruling United Right camp won a majority in the lower house of parliament amid a record-high turnout. 

Morawiecki said that he had recently held a conversation with the president, who suggested that it was necessary to stop the "festival of disputes" organised by the opposition.

According to the prime minister, all attempts to recall Deputy PM Jacek Sasin as well as announcements to dismiss Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro or the special services coordinator were "political games designed to cover our reality."

In the course of the lengthy speech, the PM lashed out at the opposition, accusing them of political brawls, when, according to him, Poles need stability and peace.

The prime minister said that Poles need efficiency, justice and measures that improve their reality in terms of healthcare and the economy.

Morawiecki accused the opposition of inciting rows to cover their own incompetence.

"And this reality shows that we have been extricating ourselves from the deepest crisis in at least 30 years. And let us work, do not make it difficult for us," the PM said.

Morawiecki said that all figures in the Polish economy speak for effective Law and Justice (PiS) rule. He noted that unemployment fell to the second lowest level in the EU. "This nightmare of the Third Polish Republic, the neoliberal model you implemented, has drifted into oblivion," he said turning to the opposition. "Today it is a huge challenge for us as a result of the epidemic," he added.

The PM spoke of the 4.2 percent GDP growth in the last few years. He drew attention to the rise of the minimum wage by nearly 50 percent and to an increase in the average salary in the national economy by over 1,000 PLN (EUR 225.5) in the last 4 years.

He said that now the PiS government is focusing on large infrastructure investments, such as the Central Transportation Port, a major airport hub to be located in central Poland.

He noted that this as well as other large-scale investment projects, including the construction of a shipping canal cutting through the Vistula Spit, an underwater tunnel in Swinoujscie or investments in the ports of Gdansk and Gdynia, are to further attract international trade.

The PM also argued that PiS has started pursuing Polish interests on the world and European arena. "We have managed to achieve a lot," during the over five years with PiS at the helm of the government due to one basic cause, "we above all looked after Poland's interests," said the PM.  

According to Morawiecki, Poland under the PiS government also achieved huge success in the fight against coronavirus. "Success that is noticed by everyone around the world," emphasised the PM.

"We want to say to Poland and Poles, despite the crisis, despite all the lies that fall from that side (the opposition - PAP), we will continue to lead Poland to ambitious goals, to a better distribution of goods, to a just Poland and we will do it while there is enough strength, as long as there is enough life," concluded Morawiecki. (PAP