Polish Catholics mark Corpus Christi amid epidemic

2020-06-11 15:44 update: 2020-06-12, 19:15
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Poland's Catholics celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi on Thursday with special liturgies held across the country. Traditional Corpus Christi processions were scaled down amid the coronavirus epidemic.

At the end of May, the Polish government, as it moved to the next phase of easing its coronavirus lockdown, brought back the possibility to gather outdoors, but with a limit of 150 people. Participants must observe the 2-metre distancing rule or wear face masks.

Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, the president of the Polish Bishops' Conference (KEP), appealed to the faithful on June 9 to follow social distancing rules and make every effort to "celebrate the sacred mysteries of our faith with a sense of responsibility for oneself and others."

Corpus Christi is one of the oldest and most ceremonial feasts in the Catholic Church and has been marked since the 13th century. (PAP)

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