Polish president presents Online Freedom Charter

2020-07-02 20:40 update: 2020-07-03, 12:30
Andrzej Duda. Photo PAP/Lech Muszyński
Andrzej Duda. Photo PAP/Lech Muszyński
Freedom from smartphone taxation and ACTA2 legislation and the installation of optical weblinks in every home and public institution are the main postulates of an Online Freedom Charter presented on Thursday by President Andrzej Duda in Sulecin, western Poland.

In the charter Duda, in Sulecin to canvass votes for a July 12 second round of this year's presidential elections, proposes the full digitalisation of the state administration.

In its first section headed 'The Internet For All,' the charter foresees the installation of optical internet links in public institutions like voluntary firefighter units, schools, libraries and hospitals. Also built is to be a well-accessible countrywide mobile internet network.

In the second part, 'Yes For Freedom, No To Online Censorship,' the charter criticises ACTA 2 and EU moves to restrict online freedom, including the filtering and monitoring of online content. It also contains an appeal to large digital platforms to use transparent regulations in moderating user content.

The third part, headed 'More e-Administration,' focuses on plans to digitalise the entire government and administration system and make public agencies easily accessible both online and by mobile phone. Also planned is the digitilisation of mailing services, which in turn will allow the discontinuation of the present postal code system.

In its fourth section, 'An Even Start Into The Digital World For Every Schoolchild,' the charter speaks about the need to equip schools countrywide with fast and cost-free weblinks and other modern multimedia facilities, with adequate equipment also provided for teachers and children from low income families.

In the fifth and final part, headed 'No To Smartphone Taxation,' the document states that the carriers people use to access the web must remain easily available for all and cannot be additionally taxed. (PAP)