Still many divisive issues at EU summit - Polish PM

2020-07-19 17:32 update: 2020-07-20, 12:27
Mateusz Morawiecki. Fot. PAP/EPA/JOHN THYS
Mateusz Morawiecki. Fot. PAP/EPA/JOHN THYS
Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki said in Brussels that, despite two days of talks, there were still deep differences among EU members over the allocation of funds and the governance of the recovery fund and its structure, namely the proportion between grants and loans.

Morawiecki stated on Sunday that that there were fundamental fissures, especially between the Northern European countries, which he described as 'frugal states,' and the Southern European countries.

The Polish PM admitted that the positions of EU members were getting closer, but not in all matters.

He stated that Poland cannot agree to the proposal for a very general rule of law clause, since it poses a huge threat not only to Poland, but also to Central Europe.

The prime minister underlined that the proposal of a mechanism linking EU funds with the rule of law was a tool in the hands of stronger states which could start blackmailing other countries at any moment. "I am saying this without giving any names, because it is known that this can concern everyone," he said.

He also said that the dependence of access conditions to the Energy Transition Fund (ETF) on the declaration of reaching climate neutrality by 2025 was not yet agreed upon.

"The question of climate conditionalities has not yet been agreed upon. It is known that Poland has the largest problems regarding energy transformation, which have been caused by its inherited energy system," he stated.

PM Morawiecki noted that Poland was making huge progress thanks to photovoltaics installations, as well as low-emission and zero-emission energy sources. "This has been noticed here, and I am happy that the positions are getting closer, but they have not yet come close enough to say that this element has been finally agreed upon," he concluded. 

The EU summit in Brussels is focused on an unprecedented 1.85 trillion-euro EU budget and coronavirus recovery fund. The recovery fund is worth EUR 750 billion, while the the EU budget for the years 2021-2027 is valued at EUR 1.074 billion. (PAP)