President justifies cost of US military presence in Poland

2020-08-07 19:25 update: 2020-08-14, 06:57
President Andrzej Duda. Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
President Andrzej Duda. Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
President Andrzej Duda has said that the presence of US forces in Poland is worth the sensible, honest and above all fair price that was negotiated.

Speaking on private TV broadcaster Polsat News on Thursday night, Duda responded to reports that US troops stationed in the country would fall under Polish legal jurisdiction and that Poland would foot 90 percent of the installation bill. 

"It's not that simple, the contract was negotiated, it has not yet been concluded, it will be tight," Duda told Polsat. "It was negotiated for a long time. It is also a result of an understanding that was signed between me and US President Donald Trump on increasing the American presence in our country. The most important element of increasing that presence, which is occurring at the moment, is the location of the V Corps in Poznan (western Poland - PAP). That, it has to be clearly stated, is a very important event for us. It is an important event for Europe as a whole."

The forward command of the V Corps of the US Land Army, which is currently being reactivated, is to be located in Poland. Duda expressed satisfaction at the unit's command being located in Poznan and said the US army is a guarantee of security. He went on to argue that throughout the Cold War, a guarantee of security was the US army's presence in West Germany and other countries of Western Europe.

Duda further stated that Poland would bear a part of the cost, which he described as "sensible, honest and above all fair" but not the whole cost. (PAP)