European Council critical of Belarus election process - Polish PM

2020-08-19 18:00 update: 2020-08-20, 20:49
Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
The European Council at its Wednesday videoconference criticised the execution of the recent Belarusian presidential election and believes it should be repeated, Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki said after the meeting.

The August 9 elections cannot be considered fair, free or democratic, Morawiecki also said.

"As suggested by Poland, we have agreed to involve such transnational bodies as the OSCE that has been tested in such situations in order to (...) support the democratisation process in such ways as supervision over the preparation of the next elections if the situation develops in this direction," the Polish prime minister also said.

Morawiecki said sanctions against those acting against demonstrators in Belarus were strongly supported, adding that Belarusian society should not suffer as a result.

The PM specified that the sanctions should concern those people who have taken part in direct actions of putting down demonstrations, in beating protestors, oppositionists or those expressing objection to the rule of President Alexander Lukashenko.

"However, we don't want Belarusian society to suffer as a result of these sanction activities," he explained. "We want to make the Alexander Lukashenko regime understand that this period when it was possible to not listen to the voice of society, that strong voice which has been expressed in the recent protests, must come to an end, as quickly as possible; that it is necessary to sit down to talks, that a process of negotiations and dialogue is needed, which will lead to a gradual democratisation, hopefully as quickly as possible, of the situation in Belarus."

The prime minister also stated that after the Council sitting, he had requested an additional point to be added to the conclusions, on support for independent media and NGOs conducting a process of democratisation.

The European Council members agree that no external intervention should take place in Belarus, according to the Polish PM.

"Of course, this is a reference to Russia as we are aware that President Lukashenko has been in talks with (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin, but we want the democratisation process to remain in the hands of Belarusian people. This is the primary goal. Every nation, every society wants to decide their fate," Morawiecki said.

He also said that the regional Visegrad Group, which comprises the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, has accepted a plan for supporting Belarusian companies and will be presenting proposals to the European Council soon.

Commenting on the Belarusian mass protests against Lukashenko, Morawiecki said they are an important step in building a civil society that yearns for a true freedom, independence, democracy and the rule of law. (PAP)