Poland extends yellow-zone COVID restrictions nationwide as of Saturday

2020-10-10 11:26 update: 2020-10-11, 21:12
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
As of October 10, the full territory of Poland is designated as a 'yellow-zone' subject to renewed restrictions, except for 32 counties and six cities that are on the list of 'red' zones, as the number of new daily cases exceeded 4,000 Thursday and Friday.

From Saturday, Poles must cover their mouths and noses when outdoors in public areas, with the exception of parks, forests and beaches, as well as in most indoor environments nationwide.

Only one customer is allowed per four square metres in the country's restaurants and bars with additional restrictions on opening hours (6:00 am - 10:00 pm) in the red zones. Dancing is also banned in such establishments as a safe distance between customers must be maintained. 

Capacity at cultural events in closed spaces is capped at 50 percent of the available number of seats in the yellow zone and at 25 percent in the red zone, while in open spaces it is limited to 100 people, with a minimum distance between viewers of 1.5 m.

Trade fairs and congresses are allowed in the yellow zones with an attendance cap at 50 percent.

The most rigorous sanitary restrictions are obligatory in areas designated 'red' zones, where trade fairs, congresses and cultural events are banned, while attendance at religious ceremonies is capped at 50 percent and in cinemas at 25 percent of the available number of seats. 

Further restrictions include public gatherings being limited to a maximum of 150 people and passenger limits in public transportation.

Starting October 17, the number of people at weddings and funerals (currently 100) has been reduced to 75 in 'yellow' zones and to 50 in 'red' zones. (PAP)