Polish-US ties stable regardless of presidency - presidential spokesperson

2020-11-08 18:37 update: 2020-11-09, 19:34
President Andrzej Duda's spokesperson Blazej Spychalski. Phot. PAP/Leszek Szymański
President Andrzej Duda's spokesperson Blazej Spychalski. Phot. PAP/Leszek Szymański
Poland's strategic ties with the US have been stable for over 30 years and will remain unchanged regardless of whether a Democrat or a Republican is in power, President Andrzej Duda's spokesperson Blazej Spychalski said on Sunday.

On Saturday US media and the Associated Press news agency (AP) reported that Democratic candidate Joe Biden had won the US presidential election against re-election vying incumbent President Donald Trump.

Later on Saturday on Twitter Duda congratulated Biden on his "successful presidential campaign" and assured of Poland's intent to uphold "a high level and quality in Poland's strategic partnership with the US."

Asked why Duda congratulated Biden on his campaign and not his victory in the US vote, Spychalski said that under the indirect US election system the president is not elected directly by the people, but by an Electoral College which their votes appoint. Therefore, Spychalski said, congratulations to Biden on his presidency will be due after the Electoral College has pronounced him the new president.

Referring to the new US presidency's possible impact on Polish-US relations, Spychalski said that Poland has been in a strategic partnership with the US for over 30 years, and that these ties will continue regardless of who is the US president.

"Polish-US strategic ties have been stable for over 30 years. They will remain unchanged regardless of whether the US president is a Democrat or comes from the Republican party," Spychalski said.

Spychalski also said that on Monday Duda is to ratify a Polish-US agreement on extended defence cooperation which foresees a raised US military presence in Poland.  (PAP)