Hybrid tactics by Belarus on border with Poland "unacceptable" - Nato

2021-11-08 20:46 update: 2021-11-09, 13:59
Fot. Twitter/Tadeusz Giczan
Fot. Twitter/Tadeusz Giczan
Nato has condemned as “unacceptable” the use of migrants as a hybrid tactic by the Belarusian state.

The condemnation came as hundreds of migrants, according to media reports, gathered on the Polish-Belarusian border in an apparent bid to break into Poland.

"We are concerned about the recent escalation on the Polish-Belarusian border,” the treaty organisation said in a statement on Monday. “We urge Belarus to respect international law. We are witnessing a wave of migrants trying to get to the territory of the allies via Belarus. Nato continues to closely monitor the situation that is putting pressure on our allies, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland."

It added that "the use of migrants by the Lukashenko regime as a hybrid tactic is unacceptable." It also said that Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of the North Atlantic Alliance, is in close contact with the governments of the allied countries.

Commenting on the current situation on the border, Adalbert Jahnz, the spokesman of the European Commission, said that several hundred people have gathered in Belarus near the border with Poland. He added that the Commission strongly rejects attempts to instrumentalise people for political purposes. (PAP)