Notification on trial for Poland's central bank head sent to prosecutor

2024-09-13 21:53 update: 2024-09-13, 21:56
Fot. PAP/Rafał Guz
Fot. PAP/Rafał Guz
Poland's central bank (NBP) has notified the prosecutors of the suspected overstepping of powers by the speaker of the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, and the parliamentary committee head regarding the motion to bring the NBP's governor before the State Tribunal.

The central bank wrote in a statement on Friday that the notice relates to "unlawful and unfounded actions taken by Sejm Speaker Szymon Holownia and Constitutional Responsibility Committee Chairman Zdzislaw Gawlik concerning the preliminary motion to bring Adam Glapinski to constitutional responsibility before the State Tribunal."

According to the NBP, Holownia and Gawlik have taken action "despite the lack of legal and factual grounds for certain actions, including the failure to comply with universally binding and final decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal, and that each of the appointed individuals exceeded their powers."

In March, a group of MPs from the ruling coalition filed a preliminary motion with the Sejm to bring Glapinski before the State Tribunal, a constitutional body for trying officials holding high office, over allegations that he broke both the law and the Polish constitution.

In May, Holownia sent the preliminary motion for the State Tribunal for the NBP head to be processed by the Sejm's Constitutional Accountability Committee (ODK). 

On Thursday, the ODK held a meeting, which set a schedule for work on the preliminary motion.

According to the law, after the proceedings, the committee submits a report on its work to the Sejm, together with a motion to bring an individual before the State Tribunal or to discontinue the proceedings. 

The current government of Donald Tusk has accused Glapinski of putting political loyalties before the interests of the Polish economy during the years of the previous Law and Justice (PiS) government, which was in office from 2015 until December last year. (PAP)
