Polish police intervene as pro-Palestinian students protest in Warsaw

2024-06-12 14:17 update: 2024-06-14, 15:12
Photo PAP/Rafał Guz
Photo PAP/Rafał Guz
Police took action on Wednesday after Warsaw University students blocked access roads to the university's main campus in protest over Israeli's military campaign in Gaza.

The students have been protesting since May 24, demanding access to information on all links that the University of Warsaw may have with Israeli academic institutions as well as "other organisations and companies which are profiting from or are involved in the occupation of Palestine and the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip."

They also demand that the University of Warsaw unequivocally condemns Israel's actions and ends cooperation with Israeli firms and universities.

"The rector of the University of Warsaw has asked us to clear the access ways," Robert Szumiata, spokesperson for Warsaw police, said on Wednesday.

The protest, which so far had been staged in a nearby park, on Tuesday moved to the main campus.

The university expressed in a press release that it deemed the act of protesters obstructing the campus entrance for pregnant women, people undergoing chemotherapy or people with disabilities as unacceptable. The university added that the protesters had breached university buildings and classrooms, "disturbing the learning process of other students." 

Similar protests against the Israeli military operation in Gaza have been held at a number of universities across Europe and the United States. (PAP)