Tusk almost certain Poland will sign security agreement with Ukraine

2024-06-28 11:28 update: 2024-06-28, 11:30
Fot. PAP/Rafał Guz
Fot. PAP/Rafał Guz
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said he is "99 percent certain" that Poland and Ukraine will sign an agreement on security before the July NATO summit.

"I can say with 99-percent certainty that in Warsaw, still before the NATO summit, we will sign this agreement with (Ukrainian - PAP) President (Volodymyr - PAP) Zelensky," Tusk said in Brussels following an EU summit.

NATO leaders will meet in Washington on July 9-11.

"Our agreement is practically completely ready," Tusk added.

However, Tusk went on to say that the Polish government did not intend to "weaken Poland's defence capabilities" in any way.

"There are still some details to be agreed upon here," he added.

On Thursday, Ukraine signed a security agreement with the EU. (PAP)
