The voice of NATO's eastern flank must be heard, says Polish President

2024-06-11 15:15 update: 2024-06-13, 15:04
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
During the Bucharest 9 (B9) meeting in Riga President Duda said that the voice of NATO's eastern flank must be heard at the upcoming summit in Washington.

Duda spoke about the need for higher security spending for NATO's eastern flank at the B9 summit.
During the meeting the president discussed, among other topics, the approaching NATO summit in Washington.

"Decisions made at the summit will be key to dealing with Russia's growing aggression", Duda said. 

He said that the Washington summit would "confirm transatlantic bonds and the credibility of allies for deterrence and defence." 

Russia is ready to use all available resources to reach its imperial-like targets, he said. 

Additionally, he said that NATO's eastern border is where migration is once again being used as a weapon. 

The president also noted the presence of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and added that the alliance is a "vital guarantee of defence for our territory," 

The Bucharest Nine is an informal cooperation platform for countries of NATO's eastern flank that was started in 2015 (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria are members) Up until now, the summit has held eight meetings, three of which were held in Warsaw.(PAP)