Kaczyński urges rivals to pledge 'prosperity first, euro next'

2019-04-17 14:28 update: 2019-04-24, 14:28
Jarosław Kaczyński. Photo PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Jarosław Kaczyński. Photo PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Poland's ruling party Law and Justice (PiS), has sent a declaration to parliamentary party leaders stating that Poland will not adopt the euro currency before it matches the economic development level of its Western peers.

"I've just sent a draft declaration, that I've signed myself, to the leaders of the biggest parliamentary groups, that is to the leader of the European Coalition, Mr. (Grzegorz) Schetyna, and to Mr. (Paweł) Kukiz," Jarosław Kaczyński told a press conference on Wednesday.

The European Coalition is composed of the centrist Civic Platform - the main rival of the conservative but socially-oriented PiS - as well as four other parties of various affiliations, ranging from left-wing to pro-business to agrarian to green. Paweł Kukiz is the leader of the right-wing Kukiz'15 movement.

"The point is for all those groupings, including our own, to guarantee that Poland will not introduce the euro before Poland reaches the economic development level of countries that are situated to the west of our borders. Here the reference point is primarily Germany," the PiS leader noted.

This is a declaration of parties and coalitions above political divisions, as it concerns the financial interest of the state and its citizens, Kaczyński said. "I hope that this declaration will testify to the maturity of Polish politicians, because, in this case, the obvious interest of our country and its citizens is at stake. This interest is completely coherent here," the party leader stressed. (PAP)

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